Allopathy medicines (heterogeneous medicine) are focused on the management of the disease, whereas the prevention of Ayurveda disease and if the disease arises, its basic cause is to be removed, it provides its knowledge.
The knowledge of Ayurveda first went forward verbally from the descendants of the Sages of India, after which it was written by integrating it five thousand years ago. The oldest text on Ayurveda is Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtang Hruday. This book explains the five elements found in space-earth, water, fire, and sky, which affect our individual system. For this healthy and enjoyable life, understand the importance of keeping these five elements balanced.
According to Ayurveda, every person is more influenced by some elements than others. This is due to their nature or natural structure. Ayurveda ensures various physical structures in three different flaws.
· Vata defect: In which the air and sky elements are strong.
· Pitta defect: In which fire defect prevails.
· Cough defect: in which the earth and water element prevail.
The defect does not affect the nature of someone's body only, but it also influences physical trends (like food choices and digestion) and the nature and feelings of someone's mind. For example, due to which the earth element and cough defect in the body, their body is strong and stubborn. They have a tendency to slowly digestion, deep memory and emotional stability. The nature of most people is made up of a mixture of two defects. For example, in those people who have pelvic nature, they have both tendency of bile dysfunction and cough, but the bile defect prevails. Having an understanding of the properties of our natural structure, we can do all the best to keep our balance well.
Ayurveda gives special significance to anyone's diet or lifestyle (food habits and daily lifestyle). Ayurveda also guides the lifestyle on how to adapt the weather.
Classification of Ayurvedic Medicine:
Treatment in Ayurveda can be divided into treatment therapy and mitigation therapy i.e., respectively, refinery and palliative therapy.
In Shodhan Chikista, the body is exposed to the contaminated elements. Some examples of this are Vaman, Virekan, Vasti, Nasya.
In Shaman Chikista, the faults of the body are corrected and the body is brought back to normalcy. Some examples of this are - Deepan, digestive system and fasting etc. Both of these medical types are necessary to make mental and physical peace in the body.
Ayurvedic Medicine Body Purification
· Abhyanga
· Uzhichil
· Pizhichil
· Marma Chikista
· Shirodhara
· Facial Marma
· Meru Chikitsa
· Snehana / Snehapana
· Swethan/Swed Chikitsa
· Nasya
· Virechana
· Pad Abhyang / Foot Massage
· Pinda Sweda
· Talpothichil / Shirolap (Talapothichil, Shirolepa)
· Sheerovasti
· Osteopathy