
Ayurvedic Detoxification Diet
06 Jul / 2018

Ayurvedic Detoxification Diet

Write By: admin Published In: Ayurveda Hits: 775 Comment: 0

This is a special type of diet which purifies the collected toxic substances in our body. It is sweet. By consuming it our digestive system gets relief and it becomes active in digestion of foreign matter and its expulsion from the body. This diet is helpful in releasing our whole body from the fractions.

Dinacharya :: Daily routine according to Ayurveda
05 Jul / 2018

Dinacharya :: Daily routine according to Ayurveda

Write By: admin Published In: Ayurveda Hits: 722 Comment: 0

Daily practice in Sanskrit is called routine. Day means day time and Acharya means to follow or stay with it. Routine is an ideal daily program that takes care of the cycle of nature. Ayurveda is focused on the time of the hour because it is important in regularizing the whole day.

Ayurveda believes that the routine is the discipline of body and mind and it strengthens the immune system and purifies the body from the stool. By simple healthy routine, the body and mind are purified, the defects are balanced, the immune system is strong and the day begins with freshness and renovation.

By following a simple routine in the morning, the beginning of your day is pleasant. This guide is for you to be refreshing in the morning.

Ritucharya :: Seasonal routine according to Ayurveda
05 Jul / 2018

Ritucharya :: Seasonal routine according to Ayurveda

Write By: admin Published In: Ayurveda Hits: 7087 Comment: 0

Rituacharya is the ancient Ayurvedic practice and is comprised of two words, “Ritu” which means season and “charya” which means Regimen or discipline. Ritucharya consists of lifestyle and ayurvedic diet routine to cope with the bodily and mental impacts caused by seasonal changes as recommended by Ayurveda . Ritucharya enables us to build our physical strength and mental capability to battleailments that may happen due to seasonal changes. In addition to that, it balances all the three doshas in our body and keeps us fit and healthy throughout the year.

What is Ayurveda?
05 Jul / 2018

What is Ayurveda?

Write By: admin Published In: Ayurveda Hits: 6715 Comment: 1

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian natural and holistic medicine-medicine system. When Ayurveda is translated from Sanskrit, it means "science of life" (the original word in Sanskrit means ayur means "longevity" or age and Veda means "science"

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